by Robin Hartley | 26 Sep 2019 | Founder's blog
The Symphony Legal annual conference (which I visited a couple of weeks ago) promised it wouldn’t be your typical law conference. I knew they’d deliver on this promise when I walked in to see Lego on all the tables. Yes, Lego in the board room – it’s a...
by Robin Hartley | 22 Aug 2019 | Technical tax and legal, Uncategorized
The UK is hurtling towards a hard Brexit. What exactly a ‘hard Brexit’ means in itself is controversial and the reality is that we won’t know exactly what it means until it happens. Broadly, it will mean that there is no framework for co-operation...
by Robin Hartley | 19 Mar 2019 | Technical tax and legal
Why get a valuation for an employee share scheme? Valuations have an enormous impact on an employee share scheme. Simply put, you need to know the value of the shares for lots of different reasons, to ensure that your employee share scheme is operated without hurting...
by Robin Hartley | 18 Feb 2019 | best practice, capital structure, Uncategorized
The answer is easy – 10% to 20% of the company. The difficulty is understanding why and how to stick to that limit! Is this a legal requirement? No. The range of 10% to 20% is based on our extensive experience, of having advised over a thousand companies both on...
by Robin Hartley | 26 Nov 2018 | best practice
What’s the point of employee share options? Employees with shares perform better. That’s because they can see that if they generate more sales or save costs, there will be a direct impact on their own wealth. Employees and founders benefit when employees...